About Us

Thank you for visiting Scubl. My name is Iram and I am the creator of Scubl. 

Get to know me and learn why I decided to develop Scubl.

In 2019, our home had rapidly been taken over by the barrage of toys and items my 3 young children were quickly accumulating. The living room cupboards and toy bags were overflowing with building blocks, toy vehicles, art and crafts, alongside many other items. Critically, when it came to finding a particular piece, we would often have to sift through or even tip out an entire collection of toys to find that one specific item; a process that was both time-consuming and extremely messy.

After exploring suitable solutions, I initially got myself 3 separate IKEA units which also housed storage boxes. We filled these with as many toys as we could, trying to organise as we went – each box for a specific type of toy (e.g. an art box containing paints, brushes, crayons, stickers or a toy vehicles box containing cars, planes, trains and tracks).

As days went by, the organisation diminished quickly. Toys were thrown back into any box, and when it came to finding a specific toy, this would be time-consuming as all the boxes would need to be emptied out again to locate it. Wanting to regain some control over the situation, I decided to sketch some sample storage solutions that would serve my purpose, namely good visibility and easy access.

I contacted a local product designer whom I had worked with previously. Together we tweaked the designs and developed three prototypes. These were trialed by friends and within a childcare setting. Upon review and receipt of valuable feedback, further design adjustments were made and now Scubl is ready for launch in the commercial market.